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Horse TrainingLessons / Training - DressageTrainer
USDF Bronze and Silver medalist with extensive young horse experience!
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Varvel Sporthorses is based just south of Bloomington, Indiana.  We have a focus on finding talented young horses for reasonable prices. Traditionally competing Morgan horses we pursue a number of traits in our young sport horses, such as trainability, talent, beauty, and presence. A few years ago we came across the Dutch Harness horse and found they possess all these traits and more. No large surprise as many Grand Prix dressage horses posses these bloodlines includin Verdades and Tarpan Ymas. Dutch Harness horses are many times registered KWPN and come thru older Gelderlander lines prevalent in many “dressage” bred KWPN horses. They offer engagement with lofty amazing movement and large jumping canters combined with wonderful people oriented dispositions, athleticism and high intelligence. A great fit for sport horses in packages which are often attractive, with lots of chrome.

Our Trainer: Brynne Varvel

Brynne is a USDF Bronze Medalist and Silver medalist, three star rider, and has scores through Intermediare I. All horses she has competed she has brought up the levels herself using classical dressage principles.  In addition, Brynne has started a number of horses and also shows a few of those in the lower levels as well.  She has worked with Jeremy Steinberg, Lendon Gray, George Williams, David Marcus, Anne Gribbons, Angela Jackson, JT & Wren Burnley, Lilo Fore, and Maryal Barnett.  Alongside furthering her Jr/Yr career she seeks to produce young dressage prospects for sale and competition and always has a number in the pipeline ready to start under saddle and started under saddle.
2015 USEF Pony Dressage Rider Championships – 3rd (V Back In Black)
2016 USDF Bronze Medal
2016 USDF Region 2 Training Level Jr/Yr Championship – 3rd(Big Indian Creek)
2016 USDF Region 2 1st level Jr/Yr Championship – 4th (Big Indian Creek)
2017 USDF Region 2 3rd level Yr/Yr Championship – 3rd (Coulee Bend Harmony)
2017 USDF Region 2 Dressage Seat Eq 14-18 Semi Final – Reserve
2018 USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals 14-18 – Bronze medal 90%
2019 USDF Silver Medal
2019 USDF Region 2 Training level Jr/Yr Championship – 3rd (Jeriah)
2019 USDF Region 2 1st level Jr/Yr Championship – Reserve (Jeriah)

2020 USDF Region 4 Prix St George Jr/Yr – Reserve ( Big Indian Creek)

2020 USDF region 4 3rd level Jr/Yr – 4th, 7th (Jeriah, Illuminator)

Offering lessons locally, young horse training/starting, dressage training, breeding, and sales.

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  • Brynne Varvel

    Published on December 12, 2020