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THE HORSE OF DELAWARE VALLEY is the oldest and largest Equine publication in the Mid-Atlantic region (Reach Equestrians in PA,NJ,MD,DE,VA,WV,NY,CT, OH,NC and beyond!).
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THE HORSE OF DELAWARE VALLEY is the oldest and largest Equine publication in the Mid-Atlantic region (PA,NJ,MD,DE,VA,WV,NY,CT, OH & NC).  After 37+ years in print, about 4 years ago we went to our NOW ALL DIGITAL FORMAT and are up online 24/7 – 365 days a year.  Check out our news and monthly themed pages!   Send us your pictures and stories to share!  You are all welcome to a FREE ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION (sign up/top right/front page).
website:  www.thehorseofdelawarevalley.,com
Contact:  Ginny Jenkins, Adv. Dir. (
Telephone:  610-873-4042

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  • Virginia Jenkins

    Published on January 22, 2021