With his wonderful temperament, lofty gaits and look-at-me attitude all wrapped up in black and chrome, Raja is the complete package. A true FEI prospect, this youngster has the potential to be the horse-of-a-lifetime for a very lucky person.
Raja BWS is by Royal Prinz, an elegant, long legged, 16.3-1/2h Oldenburg stallion (Royal Diamond / Dream of Glory) with a long and successful FEI career. With exceptional movement and temperament, his offspring are excelling in dressage and eventing. Royal Prinz is specifically known to impart his head / neck expression and freedom of shoulder, as is evident in this beautiful colt.
Raja’s dam is EMC Her Highness, a stunning 16.1h Hanoverian mare by E.H. Hohenstein (Caprimond), a legendary dressage sire with many approved sons and 2002 Trakehner Horse of the Year award to his credit. Raja’s dam line also adds significant value to his pedigree – Her Highness won in the USDF yearling division as well as earning 7th place USDF Horse of the Year Award in 2004. Raja’s grand dam, EM Dulaney was AHS Horse of the Year winner for 3-year old fillies, and great grand dam Diva is a Dressage at Devon winner, producer of multiple site champions as well as a full sibling of the 2002 100-day test winner Da Vinci.
Video shown (taken July 7) reflects his movement while significantly higher behind due to growth spurt. Earlier video (more uphill at balanced growth) and many more pictures available upon request. Price includes full board / handling through October 31, 2021 (weaning), inspection and registration with American Hanoverian Society and lifetime USEF.
Farm is 1-3/4 hours drive from ATL (Atlanta airport) and an easy 1.5 hours from GSP (Greenville SC).