Horses's Registered Name
Secret Spice HW
For Lease
At Stud
Birth Year
Black Bay
Xrays Available
5 (Average)
German WarmbloodHanoverianOldenburg GOV
Dam's Sire
Come On
Dam's Grandsire
Quick Tags
Dressage Training Level (walk/trot/canter)Dressage 1st Level (10/15m circles, leg yield)Dressage 2nd Level (shoulder-in, simple change, collect/extend)Dressage 3rd Level (half-pass, flying change)Dressage 4th Level (pirouettes, tempi changes)
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Secret Spice HW, a gentleman with a golden heart, check out that freedom in the shoulder and active hind leg! He has a superb rhythm and swings softly through his back, he is very easy to sit. His gaits are just breathtaking, he barely touches the ground. The canter comes with a phenomenal uphill movement with lots of air time, jumping well up, out and under every single time. He is so much fun to watch. The trot is supple and as elastic as it gets, his front legs reach far out and up, totally amazing. His active hind end enables him to look effortless and his hind legs are reaching far under his body. He will be a piaffe and passage machine, that’s very obvious already. A modern dressage horse as it should be.

Secret Spice HW loves collected work, he goes easily through the neck, on the bit, featherlight for the riders hand. He is just stunning and a horse of a lifetime.

Secret Spice HW is in the same hands since he was a foal, prepared for the stallion licensing 2021, intensively handled in hand and longe line, he is very personable and loving. His future is a very bright one. This young man is a “people horse” and enjoys to be pampered and cuddled, he wraps his neck around his persons shoulders and beg for more and more hugs. He knows everything a young horse needs to know. Used to the wash rack, hot walker and more. He is easy to load and travels well.

Looking for a true Young Horse Candidate? Or something for the Bundeschampionat? The answer can only be: Secret Spice HW

A true gem, he will bring a smile on your face – every day again and again!

X-rays on file!

US $80,000 to $150,000 – Including import and quarantine to NY, check out his video clip!!!

Please contact Irene: Irene@HWfarm.com

239-772-7722 (ask for Irene, managing member of HorseSales LLC)

We take pride in answering every e-mail right away (at least at the same day) and to return each call. If you don’t get a reply – please try again, our spam filter might have gotten in the way?!

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  • www.HWfarm.com HorseSales LLC

    Published on August 22, 2023