Dyno is a wonderful mix of the temprament and beauty of Furstenball and the power and athletic ability of De Niro.
Don Deluxe is a fabulous young stallion with a striking exterior and three fantastic gaits. His sire, De Niro, number one on the WBFSH dressage sire ranking list, has sired a number of licensed sons before Don Deluxe. The dam sire, Rosario, by legendary Rubinstein, was Premium Stallion in Vechta in 2001. He won his performance test, was nominated “Oldenburger Champion” two years in a row and “Vice-Bundes Champion” in Warendorf. In addition, he qualified for WCYH in Verden and in 2003, he was nominated “reserve champion” and later followed excellent results in S-dressage.
Every single one of Fürstenball’s performances at the Oldenburg licensing showed off his absolutely incredible willingness, strong nerves and relaxed temperament. Every single stride was uphill and his movements swung through his entire body. This wonderful champion stallion demonstrates three elegant and elastic basic paces and natural impulsion. Furstenball has gone on to become a solid competition horse and is well renowned as one of the finest progenitors available today.